Forgotten Eclectic Medicine of the Gilded Age

A Case of Covid in 1886?


Translation of the Text in Image

Mrs. Anna E. Shields, act 33. 118 South Mill St. Lexington, KY,

Has had erysipelas–when young had hives–Had

Cough for many years. Has had gonorrhea

from husband. Has cataarh, loss of smell, 

Posterior nasal droppings-slight leucorrhea,

considerable flatus–indigestion, with gastric 

acidity at times, sick headache & vomitings,

Menstruation regular but in small amount.

Pain in left side, cardiac region, increased by

inspiration; appetite good–bowels disposed to


Oct. 15/86 pd. fee  of $10—-$5 for medicines, etc. 

Spray instrument – $1.50.

Rx. Chloride of Gold and Soda gm/4. Aqua symbol for fluid ounce VIII (8),

Dose, Symbol for one dram: 3 tis a day, about an hr after meals.

Rx. Adiantum ped. (Adiantum         (use each of these ingredients) 

Galium Apar. (Galium Aparine)

Flos. Sambucus, aa

Make infusion and drink 3 or 4 wine glassfuls each day.

Rx. Tinct Iodine Comp. (dram)

Acid Carbolic minum 20 (20 drops)


Aqua Dest. aa. (each dram?) 

For Spray 30 drops to 3 oz bottle.

Then a description of charges and payment is listed below next to new prescriptions and substitutions. (10 dollars is approximately 301 dollars today in 2022). 

$5 pd.

1.50 for spray instrument


Etc, see image for these numbers


Nov. 30, 1886 omit chlor. Aur. et soda and use instead

Rx Bismuth subsuit.?

Ext. Dioscorea vill. Aa grs q 6

Ext. nucis vom. Grs 8?

For 96 pills

Comperg. Magnesium Calc.

Dor. 1-3 tis a day


Dec. 20, 1886

Cough Mixture same as for Brown - letter carrier


Bottom of the page Benefits, but gave up treatment. 


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The drink made of elderberry, maidenhair (fern), and cleavers (a herb) was used to skin rashes and coughs. 

In this case, we learn that this woman, unknown age, has had a skin rash which for the time could have been almost anything like measles, or scarlet fever, he goes on to describe her current symptoms of a chronic cough, but now also loss of smell, nasal drip, and white vaginal discharge. Pain in left side in the heart area, with also acid stomach and loose stools. This case shares similarities with many viral diseases, but especially a coronavirus like Covid 19. Loss of smell, cough, heart pain, headache, vomiting and diarrhea have all been described as symptoms for the different variants. 

His treatments included a long list of medications that the patient finally gave up on. What stands out in his list is of course sambucus which is considered useful in preventing and helping colds and cough. The other medication that is recognizable today is Bismuth. He told her to quit using the Chloride of Gold and Soda and start using Bismuth instead. Bismuth is what we now know as an active ingredient in pepto-bismol. This would have helped her loose stools. 

The other interesting part of the case is payment. I wondered what the costs were for the medications and treatment. He kept a ledger of payment and cost from Lloyd pharmacy. The cost in today's dollars is significant. Mrs. Shields must have had money to be able to afford his list of medicines. The bottom of this case, treatment is stopped. It seems like a significant amount of money and different concoctions were used over a three month period.