
Introduction to Spring 2022

My current student experience started in 2017. My research interests in digital history began when I went back to college to pursue a second undergraduate degree in history at the University of Central Florida by online study. Digital history was critical to my education, and I used archives that had been digitized for primary sources and traditional secondary book sources. I applied to George Mason in 2019 and was accepted to start my Master’s in Applied History with a USA concentration in Fall 2020. In my second year, I have just started the digital humanities certificate, and my research interests initially included early American history, Southeastern indigenous tribes, and military history. Several professors recommended I also consider medical history since I have the medical background to understand primary sources written by medical people. I have done preliminary projects in this field and hope to continue this niche for this semester. My learning goals for this class in Digital History are to expand on Intro to Digital Humanities knowledge, improve my website development new software knowledge, and have an interesting digital history project.
