Software Tools

Software demo of mapping tool that can be used to make maps from the latitude and longitude in each data column in a comma seperated value file. This web software has the ability to be interactive by hovering over each data point to evaluate what each point on the map represents. The data is drawn from the WPA database on Project Gutenberg converted into a .CSV file from the state of Alabama. The database would have to be followed to upload and there are only four different colors of the map background. To embed this map, I had to save to my personal Dropbox account and generate the code, using shortcode and iframe, I was able to get the map onto this post. Due to the changes and upgrades in wordpress, must change the shortcode format to as an example: iframe width=”100%” height=”480″ src=”″ with the brackets and replacing the url with your current site that you want to embed. You cannot put an http on a https site! These two maps show the capability of the open source software of this website, to timeline additions, to arc 3d points of travel, and to size of the data points.

Sources for this post include the the database for the Alabama WPA interviews into longitude and latitude values by Stephen Robertson, the website, and iframe plug in open source for wordpress..
