Databases Reviews


Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900 – Adam Matthew Digital (

Webinar: Popular Medicine in America, 1800 – 1900 – YouTube

The Popular Medicine in America, 1800 to 1900, is a database of popular medicine and advertisements for the general public of that time. As one reviewer notes on this database, the primary sources do go from 1675 to 1985. The search function range is easy keyword and topics to advanced search using Boolean function and multiple metadata. Searches can be saved by registering at the website. Information provided on how digitization was edited or performed is not provided. Sources are from just two archives. These two archives are the Philadelphia Museum of Art and The Historical Library of Philadelphia. There are over 5,000 primary sources. Full text is searchable, images are searchable and functionality includes the ability to fully export and download books and images. Only found one review and that was on the website. The review notes that there are no other medical images or sources included beyond the two archives. The database of Popular Medicine in America could have been larger with other libraries’ work. The database only alludes to them with an external link section. Access to this database is restricted for students or university library access only. Cost is unknown as of this review due to graduate student access through George Mason Library. The researcher is able to have a free trial, if not a student. The publisher is Adam Matthew Digital and Popular Medicine was started in 2015. A video link, above this post to help with search functions. The Adam Matthew Digital publisher has many other agreements for multiple large databases of primary sources. These are listed on the master website for AdamMatthewDigital. These sources come from predominantly only English speaking libraries for students and researchers online which limits research in English speaking medical history. Citing is required and copyright information is considered basically fair use due to age of the primary sources.
