
Blog Post #2

Internship update: With the start of this internship, we are now in the midst of developing an online resource on a health topic that for many can be controversial. There were many project ideas, and we are still brainstorming how to be a resource for a specific audience, and easy to understand communication. Sexual education has a history of its own that started in the military and I plan to do a blog update on this history if I have time. We meet every week and discuss the best way to find the audience and appeal to that audience. I am enjoying the interaction with a science communication intern who is approaching topics from a different aspect than a historical one. Medical and science historians can bring an added dimension and a creative positive experience to scientists and social scientists in regard to public health. Learning how to communicate online while retaining your audience can include historical information to increase interaction with the subject. This is the positive impact to this internship that I enjoy, and I like bringing more information to the discussion each time on the history of sex and sexual education.

For the work style aspect of this internship, much of it is on my timeline. We are still in the project’s initial phase and narrowing the focus and audience. We meet weekly, and the rest of the time is spent researching other websites and evaluating the resources already out there. Some good resources have included:

For information about sexual education

Honest Sex Education – Advocates for Youth

Working to Institutionalize Sex Ed (WISE) | WISEtoolkit

#TalkingIsPower 2022 | Power to Decide  scroll to the bottom to see a list of resources

AMAZE – Age appropriate info on puberty for tweens and their parents

Texas specific

Teach The Truth: A TFN Campaign for Accurate Sex Ed

I also have coordinated talking to the University of Texas in Public Health to the Health Museum for a possible combined resource. We meet with them next week and hope to see how this project will go. I have to set aside time to talk to my fellow intern and my mentor, but my work style preference has been very informal. We reach out by email and have a teams meeting weekly. We text regularly about other online resources and how to be a different resource for a specific audience yet to be determined but age 17-30 age group. My work style is usually not informal but for this remote internship, communication by email and texting has prevailed overall.

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