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Medicinal plants : an illustrated and descriptive guide to plants indigenous to and naturalized in the United States which are used in medicine, their description, origin, history, preparation, chemistry and physiological effects fully described …By Charles Millspaugh. 1887. Philadelphia : J.C. Yorston.

This beautiful book is in the public domain and he describes the plants used by eclectic medical doctors, especially this one, podophyllum. I met with my professor and I was quizzed to ask three non medical friends about interest in this topic or website. The answers were of course, sex, or complete quackery, so that is easy to do as eclectic physicians believed that excessive masturbation led to insanity, and there were multiple plant based treatments to decrease these impulses. I was horrified to read in the Diseases of Women textbook by Dr. King that the treatment for nymphomania, or over masturbation was excision of the clitoris. Somehow I now need to make this into the website.

The Technical challenges are the landing page is classic Omeka, and I do not know how to do shortcodes, so my landing page still is limited, it is better than it was, and I will keep messing with the appearance settings until I get it right.

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