Software Tools

Mobile Website Review


Virginia Women in History-Fredericksburg Region

This is a mobile driving tour on Clio website that was written within a larger Library of Virginia website. Not sure what I was expecting but I thought there would be more women who lived here that were important to history. I think due to it being part of a larger website that it was limited and there were only fairly recent historical women to be highlighted. The mobile site does not list Mary Washington and no one from before the nineteenth century. 

For a mobile tour of where these women lived is a bit disappointing, rather it is just a way to give the person information about a few examples of women who lived in the Fredericksburg area. As a mobile tour site, there is the google map and the driving directions. For a mobile app-based website though, I can’t imagine anyone would actually do this driving tour as it is just a few places and the locations of where they lived are not historical architectural sites. Did I really need to know where these women lived? No. 

The historical information is good on each woman and how they contributed to the area, and I found the the small snippets informative about the contribution of each woman. Instead of a driving tour, somehow a different mobile format would have sufficed to learn about these women. I definitely would not have found it without the Clio website link, and I was just trying to branch out from the typical battlefield walking tours around the area.

There is a Clio Fredericksburg Walking Tour of different sites and Museums that does a better job than this Clio site, but it is not truly a historical website like this one. Overall, there could be significantly more work done on Clio for this area that is not strictly battlefield related. This format for a mobile driving tour to catch your attention about historical women from Fredericksburg is not a great format for this knowledge.

Mobile Websites

Education and Outreach on behalf of the Library of Virginia. “Emily White Fleming.” Clio: Your Guide to History. February 21, 2018. Accessed April 9, 2022.

Fredericksburg Walking Tour – Clio (

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