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Personas Revised for new Digital History Website

Demographic: Gen Z and Millenials

Descriptive Title: full time history teacher and mom of 2 kids

End Goals:

She likes websites that are entertaining while teaching something new.  As an AP history teacher, she is a stickler for citations and expects websites to also have good sourcing. She also does not like complicated websites, would like lesson plans included for some museum sites and public history sites to have additions to her curriculum. She likes collections of primary sources for her students to do their own projects. Mobile and accessible is also important. United States history that is offbeat to get her classes more interested in history is also important.

Quote: I like to challenge my students and have them learn rare things about history.

A Day in a Life Narrative:

Gets up and gets kids to school with a husband who is remote working from home. She now is teaching again in person and teaches high school AP history. She likes to garden, go to farmer’s markets, and likes learning new facts and things from the past. Drinks a lot of fair-trade coffee for energy. Brings up things she has learned about the history of plants, coffee, and teas to her AP USA history class. Likes to teach critical thinking about primary sources to the class. With that, she is always looking at history blogs, history archives that are not always about traditional USA history. Once home, she sits with the kids and husband for dinner and reviews lesson plans and assignments.

End Goals:

She likes websites that are clear story of content. As an AP history teacher, she is a stickler for citations and expects websites to also have good sourcing. She also does not like complicated websites, would like lesson plans included for some museum sites and public history sites to have additions to her curriculum. Mobile and accessible is also important. United States history that is offbeat to get her classes more interested in history is also important. History websites that have primary sources for students to do their own projects and for herself.

Persona 2

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Name: Maureen

Demographic: 55 yo divorced mother of one son

Descriptive Title: Healthcare administrator at a large medical system who likes medical history

Quote: I like to read medical mysteries.

A Day in a Life Narrative:

She gets up and heads to work on her computer as she is in a covid pandemic yet can do her finance officer work at home. She is in meetings all day long and has one adult child in medical school. She got a biology degree herself but focused on botany. She ended up getting a master’s in healthcare administration. She goes to medical museums with her son, and they like to comment on how far medicine has come. She is on the internet all day, so it is usually Facebooking when she looks at anything fun. If she sees websites that are about history, she favors things that remind her of tv shows she likes, like Call the Midwife or Gilded Age.

End Goals:

Wants medical mysteries or weird medical history to keep her interest in any public history websites online. Considers herself a feminist and wants to know more about gender history, like learning about women in medicine, or about the history of how the medical profession treated women in the past as patients. The website needs to be easy to use and since her eyesight is getting difficult on computers due to being on one all day, asks for and appreciates large fonts, and easy-to-read contrasting colors. Her son likes learning about weird plants in medicine like she does. Likes a lot of images and the stranger the better to hold her interest for a history website. She does not want just to learn but wants to be entertained by history on past quack medical treatments. Her son likes learning about weird alternative medicine as well and will share with his friends in medical school.

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