Assignments Graduate Work

Final Project Update

The current state of the final project is making pages on a Scalar project focused on women’s suffrage in the United States and the three groups, National Women’s Party, National American Women’s Suffrage Association, and National Opposition to Women’s Suffrage Association. It is a focused look at the events of the Watchfires at the end of 1918 and into 1919. My intended audience has changed to undergraduate students and students interested in learning how to do some digital history work by adding to an interactive book on Scalar. Once I publish the website, it will be a lesson plan and scavenger hunt for sources about the watchfires, anti-suffrage propaganda, and any relevant primary sources. I hope students learn and discover how women’s suffrage was voted down in the fall of 1918 and how the National Women’s Party thought that Woodrow Wilson had more influence on Congress passing the amendment. I have limited the time to 1918 and 1919 to help direct students for sources. There are many websites about women’s suffrage and focusing on the last year and a half teaches students the hurdles and how Woodrow Wilson went to Congress asking to pass the 19th amendment as a war measure. The challenges I have encountered is that I am also learning how to use scalar and about woman’s suffrage simultaneously, so it is hard to change from being a student to formulating a lesson plan to teach about these events. I am reading other learning plans offered about voting from the National Archives called DocTeach and trying to incorporate some of this type of historical thinking questions into the website. I need to continue growing the website with questions and analysis examples for students to contribute and even author new pages. Once the website is close to a preliminary mockup, I can make it public, and it will be accessible to anyone to use, comment, and review.


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